Wednesday 27 March 2013

The Peace Prize President's Drones.

Maybe I don't need to write the drone piece after all - this infographic pretty much says it all.

Anyway, an outline of my views:
  1. US use of drones sets a dangerous precedent - China is already preparing to deploy drones as are other countries
  2. Killing civilians is bad, killing children is even worse
  3. "Anyone of military age in the Middle East" is a bad definition of an enemy combatant
  4. The policy must be illegal under all sorts of international laws
  5. Sovereignty, if we have to use that outdated concept, surely applies to nations other than Europe, Israel and the USA, other nations like, oh I don't know, Pakistan shouldn't be bombed by outside forces. Imagine America accepting such violations from another country - what if Mexico uses drones to kill a drug lord staying in LA, which just happens to kill a whole load of civilians? This is justifiable on national security rationales even stronger than those used by the USA - 9/11 killed 3000 Americans, the Drug War has killed upwards of 50,000 Mexicans.

1 comment:

  1. Where was it Osama Bin Laden was being harboured??
